Monday, December 17, 2012

MattyBRaps - Biography

Date of Birth
6 January 2003, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Birth Name
Matthew David Morris


4' 5" (1.35 m)

MattyB pertama kali tertarik pada musik hip hop di usia lima tahun. Dia mengatakan bahwa dia tertarik padabeats dan segera ingin mengambil pelajaran dance! Ketika sepupunya Mars, rapper 19 tahunpindah bersamakeluarganya, ia mendengarkan musik Mars dan mengetuk lirik kepadanya. Matty direcoki sepupunya untuk membantunya menulis rap dan membuat video sehingga mereka akhirnya melakukannya. Dan dia dipakupada percobaan pertamanya. Dalam minggu pertama itu di YouTube, rap video yang MattyB itu "Eenie Meenie" memiliki lebih dari 500.000 pandangan dan membuat halaman depan!

Dia ditutupi hit oleh bintang-bintang seperti Willow Smith, Ke$ha, Rihanna dan Justin Bieber. Dia bahkan telah rapp "Like a G6", lengkap dengan video musik di mana ia mengenakan warna ungu, jaket kulit dan menari di sekitar di depan sebuah mobil mewahDia menulis lirik sendiri dan bahkan membuat menyenangkan musik video pembuatan "Whip My Hair" 
lagu Willow Smith !

Ibunya mengatakan dia masih muda untuk tur atau membuat catatan tapi dia pasti akan terus membuatvideo untuk saluran populer YouTube nyaDia memiliki lebih dari 250.000 pelanggan untuk subcribes danmemiliki lebih dari 4 juta hits untuk setiap lagu-lagunya - tidak jelek untuk seseorang yang bahkan belummencapai kelas lima belum! Dia mengambil pelajaran suara, akting dan menari pelajaran pada saat ini sehingga mata Anda tetap kupas untuk MattyB di MTV!

 This his photos. Check it out !

Dia keren loh suaranya gan ngerapnya lancar, kereen deh :D. 
dia kecilnya aja udh gini. apalagi ntar gedenya yaa. pasti lebih sukses (y). siip dah. good luck matty :))

Dan, ini juga ada Link lagu terbarunya ---->>> / - Scream and Shout ft. Britney Spears (MattyBRaps Cover)

Biography for MattyB 

Date of Birth
6 January 2003Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Birth Name
Matthew David Morris


4' 5" (1.35 m)

Mini Biography
MattyB first became interested in hip hop music at the age of five. He said that he was drawn to the beats and right away wanted to take dance lessons! When his cousin Mars, a 19-year-old rapper, moved in with his family, he listened to Mars' music and rapped his lyrics to him. Matty pestered his cousin to help him write a rap and make a video so they finally did it. And he nailed it on his first try. In it's first week on YouTube, MattyB's rap video "Eenie Meenie" had over 500,000 views and made the front page!

He's covered hits by stars like Willow SmithKe$haRihanna and Justin Bieber. He even rapped "Like a G6", complete with a music video where he wore purple shades, a leather jacket and danced around in front of a fancy car! He writes his own lyrics and even made a music video making fun of Willow Smith's "Whip My Hair" song!

His mom says he's still to young to tour or make a record but he's definitely going to keep making videos for his popular YouTube channel. He has over 250,000 subscribers to his channel and has over 4 million hits to each of his songs - not bad for someone who hasn't even hit the fifth grade yet! He's taking voice lessons, acting and dancing lessons at the moment so keep your eyes peeled for MattyB on MTV!

Trade Mark
His word in some of his raps "Chyeah"
Mini Bieber

MattyB has three older brothers, Blake Jr, John Michael, Joshua aka Jeebs and one little sister, Sarah Grace.
His big cousin Mars (MarsRaps) produces his music and videos. Mars is also a rapper.
He's a big fan of Michael Jackson.
His family has a music recording studio right in their house.
When asked on his YouTube channel by a fan if he'd rather have 1 million dollar or a girlfriend, he said a girlfriend.
He's taking voice lessons from Lisa Rosemond at Jan Smith Studios (where Usher and Justin Bieber have trained).
Wore braces from 2011-2012.
Would like to do a song with Justin Bieber or Bruno Mars.
He is friends with Christian Beadles.

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